by Kate Mather
Motivation is key when learning English! Showing an interest in English as parents is a fantastic way to encourage children to have the desire to learn. You do not have to be fluent in the language your child is learning in order to create an encouraging and active learning environment. If the whole family shows an interest in English and learns together, children will be more motivated to learn on their own and have a positive attitude towards learning English – ultimately improving their English ability! But where to start? Here are some everyday phrases that you can bring into your home.
1. Getting ready
« Put on your… coat, shoes, hat, scarf etc. » + “Take off your…” – Mets ton… manteau, chaussures, bonnet, écharpe + Enlève ton…
“Brush your… teeth/hair” – Brosse tes… dents/cheveux
“Get dressed” – Habille-toi
« Hurry up! » – Dépêche-toi!
2. Greetings
“Good morning, rise and shine!” – Bonjour, lève-toi et brille !
“Good night, sweet dreams. (Sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite!)” – Bonne nuit, fais des beaux rêves. (Dors bien, ne laisse pas les punaises te piquer !)
4. Behaving well
“Don’t… jump/shout/run!” – Ne… saute/crie/cours… pas !
“Be quiet!” – Chut !
“Be good” –Sois sage
“Be nice to your sister/brother” – Sois gentil(le) avec ta sœur/ton frère
5. Keeping safe
“Be careful!” – Fais attention !
“Don’t touch!” – Ne touche pas !
“It’s hot!” – C’est chaud !
6. Helping at home
“Tidy up your bedroom” – Range ta chambre
“Make your bed”– Fais ton lit
« Lay the table » – Mets la table
7. Take responsibility
“It’s time to… do your homework, go to bed, take a bath” – Il est l’heure de… faire tes devoirs, aller se coucher, prendre un bain
« Do it yourself » – Fais le tout seul
8. Encouragement
“You can do it!” – Tu peux y arriver !
« Well done! » – Bravo!
« I’m proud of you » – Je suis fier de toi
« Never mind » – Ce n’est pas grave
And if you enjoy singing at home, here are 3 catchy songs that help to learn this type of everyday language: